Wood Siding Repair – Dayton, Ohio

Wood Siding Repair

Whether its shingles, shale, or clapboard, most traditional siding optionsfrom the past years have been made of wood. Wood siding is for the traditionalist, giving your home the classic dignified appearance that adds character to your home and increases your curb appeal. If your home is suffering from minor damage due to weather, pests, rot, or just needs a cosmetic lift, wood siding repair maybe the option for you. Deciding whether to replace or repair relies on a number of variables.  However, replacement does tend to be more effective when considering the benefits.

Wood is a malleable material that is easy to work with, making wood siding repair relatively easy when compared to other options. Whether you have an extravagant color, texture, or appearance, VanMartin will be able to match your siding and have your home looking as good as new in no time.

 Wood Siding Offers Homeowners: 

  • Resistance against the natural elements for your home; ensuring protection that can last for decades.
  • Material versatility which is easy to customize in terms of size and design. This product can be easily customized with stain and color.
  • An authentic appearance that gives your home a natural, warm look.
  • Ecologically friendly material that can be re-used and recycled.
  • Repair that is relatively low cost, when compared with replacement.

If you are unsure whether your home is in need of wood siding repair or a more complete overhaul, feel free to call Van Martin at 937.222.7855, for your free estimate.

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